
Since our belief is that departure formalities are as important as finding a home to settle in, we are delightedly assisting all of our clients when their assignments in Greece come to their end by providing assistance with all matters related to the rental and life in Greece so for them to happily start their new assignments without bearing in mind any outstanding matters related to their stay in Greece.
We also assist with moving of household goods! Ask us!

De Registration

Departing Greece? This is something that needs to be communicated to competent authorities and we will coordinate this.

Outbound Services

Throughout our wide connections, business relationships/ cooperations the last 20 years of our operation and our active membership in TIRA (The International Relocation Associates) as leading mobility specialists of the world, we succesfully deliver all above mentioned services everywhere. Enjoy the quality of service you are familiar with in all parts of the world having us as your main point of contact. Constant reporting and advice is given throughout the services.

Call us today at (+30210) 8003510 or email us at

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